difficult to interpret

美 [ˈdɪfɪkəlt tu ɪnˈtɜːrprət]英 [ˈdɪfɪkəlt tu ɪnˈtɜːprət]
  • 很难解释(或口译)
difficult to interpretdifficult to interpret
  1. Build results are difficult to interpret and much time is spent chasing down errors .


  2. It 's difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained .


  3. This cross repository data is difficult to interpret and correlate consistently .


  4. The pitfall is that the results will be difficult to interpret .


  5. Crushed cells like these in a bronchoscopic biopsy are always difficult to interpret .


  6. But previous health economic studies of community hospital care have been methodologically weak and difficult to interpret .


  7. The rare fossils from this time have no bone or hard parts which makes them very difficult to interpret .


  8. It is very difficult to interpret minor faults directly from seismic profile because of limited resolution of seismic data .


  9. But labour market data have been notoriously difficult to interpret lately be-cause of many distortions .


  10. There are some defects in the theory of balance of legal interest , which makes it difficult to interpret problems of criminal law .


  11. Carbon isotopes show a pattern , but it is somewhat more difficult to interpret than the oxygen isotope pattern .


  12. What I have found difficult to interpret are the implications of the increasing current account surplus for the economy and the community .


  13. Worse still , without the emotional cue of face-to-face communication , the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret .


  14. China 's lunar new year holidays , which are held in this period , make the two months ' trade figures difficult to interpret .


  15. Services that have been versioned differently become challenging to compose and interoperate and also difficult to interpret .


  16. We performed 5 vi-vo killings , which are difficult to interpret .


  17. Although one can get full acoustic wave data using acoustic wave equation for seismic modeling , the data are difficult to interpret for the multiples .


  18. Heb . 5:11 concerning whom we have much to say that is also difficult to interpret since you have become dull of hearing .


  19. The two main mistakes he says people make : leaving a voicemail that 's brief , difficult to interpret , and leaves no room for dialogue ;


  20. It is difficult to interpret the used conventional methods when the IP effect is strong enough ; however , we can analyze the transient curves combining with the geological data .


  21. In addition , questions regarding the specificity , sensitiity , and reproducibility of this method hae made it difficult to interpret the data and apply the results clinically .


  22. At present , it is very difficult to interpret the different results of making pile with satisfaction according to our theoretical knowledge of the load property of a drill hole grouting friction pile .


  23. Because of the oscillation characteristic of the contrast transfer function , the information between the point resolution and information limit in the high resolution images taken from the FEG-TEM is difficult to interpret .


  24. However , the ray path of seismic reflected wave in this region distorts seriously due to the effects of overthrust high speed layers , which make it difficult to interpret and image the structures .


  25. We think that the Neo-classicism School theory is difficult to interpret the ownership of benefit , it is impossible to illustrate the working mechanism , the structure and the arrangement of the financial institution .


  26. These exemptions are sometimes vague and difficult to interpret , and the tendency for most records custodians is to withhold the record if there is any doubt .


  27. He has the habit of exploring the facts without explanation . Moreover , his works is difficult to interpret . As a result , there are opposite views on his theories within the circle of communication .


  28. Permeability is really one of the significant keys to the research of reservoir performance . It is really hard to establishment the permeability interpretation model , because well logging is influenced by numerous factors with multi-solvability . So it is more difficult to interpret by logging methods .


  29. He spoke in riddles so he was a very difficult man to interpret .


  30. Just the same as postmodernism , people find it difficult to describe or interpret net literature in a specific style .
